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    Men Are Hard To Please

    The problems with GUYS: If u TREAT him nicely, he says u are IN LOVE with him; If u Don't, he says u are PROUD. If u DRESS Nicely, he says u are trying to LURE him; If u Don't, he says u are from KAMPUNG. If u ARGUE with him, he says u are STUBBORN; If u keep QUIET, he says u have no...
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    唉,国内学者的研究表明,教师的工资应该由中央直拨,中国政府每年支出50亿人民币就完全可以解决教师工资问题,并且将九年义务教育真正做到“义务”了。以中国目前的国力,完全有能力做到,但是…… 记得南方周末还有个报道说,山西有个地方的老师一个月的工资才35元,每天只敢吃两碗面条。
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    Happy Singles' Day

    In the market, people go out of their ways to pick the best they need. The later you go their and the more narrow-sighted you are, the less products remain. Whatever market it is, the competition between buyers, and also the products, is always smothery. In the campus, more and more couples are...
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    Drinking Coffee = Tasting Life

    Coffee, as my favorite drink, has been accompanying me for nearly a decade. The nest, also the rest, several are on the way. At the very beginning, I drank coffee because it could prevent me from sleeping. I often bought Nestle 2 + 1, which is coffee, milk and sugar powders are in proper...
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    I have a lot of dreams.

    What happened to you?
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    To Grasp It Back

    Thank you, anyway, Bee. Fortunately, I've grasped it back. In fact, I am at the process of chasing after my ideal and dream. It is them reinitiate me. Haha...
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    To Grasp It Back

    Fall is a season which is very convenient for me. In this season, I am very good at learning. However, I lost parts of the passion to study in the past week, and its effect has been lasting till now. Somehow, I don't feel like studying. At least, not as before. In university, the students are...
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    To my surprise, eventually, she found me at my school. That's fate. Hehe...
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    I have a lot of dreams.

    Not at all.
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    Mask,please come in!

    Thank you! As I have an assignment of "English Poetry", I wrote it in the form of a poem. I don't mean I am a poet. However, this topic give me great help in the assignment. Haha. Thank you, again. I'll hand in this poem to my professor. Bygones Never Return Thank you very much for your...
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    I have a lot of dreams.

    QUOTE(嘻嘻哈哈呵呵 @ 2005年10月23日 Sunday, 01:02 PM) Well, Chinese posts or threads are supposed to emerge when giving explanations and translations. In fact, in China, this English forum is really something. MASK,CAN YOU TRANSLATE THESE TWO SENTENCES INTO CHINESE FOR ME ?THANKS VERY MUCH! 779096...
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    .............................................................. 不知说什么好
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    在世界上任何地方的任何人都是要利用身边有限的条件来做自己想做的事情的啦。不要老是埋怨身边的条件如何如何不好啦,有没有看过《谁动了我的奶酪》?受不了压力就只有堕落。我以前有些中学堕落的同学,有些出现在监狱里,有些却出现在棺材里。真担心现在的中学生,中学的压力熬不住,怎么面对以后的漫漫长路?实质上,在社会上,压力将会比中学时大很多。放纵一下,释放一下,收拾好心情就够了。 GOOD LUCK