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  1. Bee,come in .I have something for you !

    mask is right . the area is San Jiao Xu . It's a very important area in DianBai . the little town is charactoring, It's the most imigrant town in DianBai .so you can feel that the area is so linient that who go to live there must like there . maybe that is the reason cause the "pyramid selling"...
  2. Bee,come in .I have something for you !

    here are the totol of it!
  3. How to Impress a Woman

    haha...women may troble you sometime .but she can take happilise to you as well...
  4. Bee,come in .I have something for you !

    Bee, Thanks ,you take a photo to me .haha ,I have collected it.. Here is the photo taken by me today,the area on the photo,you must know it.and you must had been to there. but you have been to US.for many year. maybe you can remenber it in a moment.. So I just make a fun , can you guess what...
  5. 电白有个叫粮米的地方吗?谁告诉我!

    哈哈,谢谢楼上的! 米粮在电白有什么重要地位啊。为什么会有专线的呀??
  6. 电白有个叫粮米的地方吗?谁告诉我!

    今天在车站见到了一架车是水东―粮米专线的车。。。。。 不知道粮米是哪里呢??谁能告诉我啊??
  7. 牛腩贵的牛腩真的好好吃呀!!!!!!!!!!!!

    QUOTE 谁告诉我牛腩贵名字的由来吗???~~~ 有两个男的一个胖点平头 另一个没那么胖西装头.. 哪个是啊贵啊!!!!
  8. Bee.come in ....

    QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2005年07月15日 Friday, 03:48 PM) Haha.......That is not a "bus". It's called "Cable Car". You can't find elsewhere has this kind of Cable Cars run on the streets. Those are not death fishes! Those are live sea lions! 515286 :)thanks
  9. Bee.come in ....

    (screen.width*0.8-200)) this.width=(screen.width*0.8-200)'> This photo is so inteasted. The bus is cowded so that the pasenger must stand outside. (screen.width*0.8-200)) this.width=(screen.width*0.8-200)'> Oh,,haha ,What are the Americen watching? It' so strange! Death fishes???
  10. Bee.come in ....

    Those are very beautiful..Is that all film by you?? The 8th and 9th are in Chinese street(I forget how to say 唐人街 in English)? haha! but,,,It's pity that you dind't make some expresiong on each photogragh...so I can't know it clearly.can you? (screen.width*0.8-200))...
  11. 牛腩贵的牛腩真的好好吃呀!!!!!!!!!!!!

    今天去吃了牛腩贵的牛腩,,,先来了4块牛腩粉,,吃完后,,还想吃.再来了2块牛腩毛钱粉~~ 爽啊..... 牛腩贵的牛腩真是好吃啊好弹牙.... 又不韧~~~~好吃啊!!! .谁告诉我牛腩贵名字的由来吗???~~~ 有两个男的一个胖点平头 另一个没那么胖西装头.. 哪个是啊贵啊!!!! 其实我很小的时候就去那吃过了..,但很多年没去那吃过了 不过那时候没有什么印象... 随着年纪的增长~~和在其他地方吃过的牛腩比较过..才知道牛腩贵的牛腩好吃啊!!!!!!!!! 本想照点啊贵的档口的照片..和牛腩的照片回来~~~ 但是因为啊贵档口~~~呵呵,,,..可以说,...不是很卫生...
  12. Bee.come in ....

    QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2005年07月14日 Thursday, 08:23 AM) 随便影了一张窗外的。。。(不是十么风景区) [attachmentid=29104] 510432 Thanks, bee ,It's a type of eastern country haha~~
  13. 谁告诉我"牛喃贵"的挡铺在哪里???

    那么多人说牛腩贵的牛腩粉好吃 我不知道牛喃贵的档口在哪里. 谁告诉我啊! 我想试一下啊!
  14. ...果度睇睇电海校花...

  15. Love Your Life【转】

    Enjoy your life and have enthusiasm to do everything to do anything ,that you can get good effect, I really mean it recently ....
  16. Which fast-food resturant is your most like?

    QUOTE(mask @ 2005年07月09日 Saturday, 11:02 PM) Shenzhen is a big immigrant city hence lack of agglomeration. Perhaps it's a good place to be out to make money, I don't think it's a good place to live in. However, if I can't study abroad, I'll initiate my professional career here. 494733...
  17. the most valuable thing in the world

    That give me deep in thinking! It 's pity that I didn't mean that the time is fast ,the precent time is golden.not so long ...Maybe that is destiny,' case. It seems that who experience can realize the objective .since I know ,,,I must not lose the present time!
  18. English Training Produces Devils?

    It sound very wonderful on your expression. Maybe that will instead the English coner someday. I expect haveing a try!!!
  19. **商量一下怎么过暑假**

    深呼吸...空气浑浊却又清晰 依然要回到那浸渍了12年发黄的中学校园,不知道用高四,还是大学预科班来诠释这一特别的一年! XX,复读吗?XX,等通知吗? 最近的脑海中回荡的就是这种无奈.. 看了楼主的贴,不免伤感。因为我将是高四生!没有暑假,只有抓起中学课本,细细品着明天。期待着楼主般的暑假..........