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How to regard the first day in a new year? (2人在浏览)

Jane Poon

Will you make a big decision to do something while you dare not to do in a normal day? For example, to open your true heart to your boy or girl ,to say goodbye to something or to do something else which you do is just to make the day a little special? Or just take it the first day as normal one ,not any special actually ,and will not to do something crazy.

A good friend of mine told me that it is a matter of digital game, things always go contrary to our wishes.

May I have your comment ? Come on...
New Year? I don't have freakish plan for it. It is just like any other day, except for a day off. Joey Tribiani said, "You gotta kiss someone in the New Year." Well, I don't have anyone to kiss and don't fall in love with anybody either. I don't need to bother with a confession. Since I enjoy reading very much, I have been reading Kant for half a day. Albeit philosophy may be tedious to most of you, I just enjoy it. Anyway, mayst thou keep thy joy throughout the year.
Like what Mask said, now I take the New Year day as one of the normal days, not much special from those other days. I might watch the count down shows on TV and kiss or hug someone if there is someone around when the moment came. It was different from how I spent my time during New Year day before. I used to get together with group of friends at party or join the crowd on the street for joy and watch the special New Year show. I remembered that one year I was running on the street with a few friends in the last five minutes of the New Year eve to join the big crowd and feel the new moment came. We were boisterous festivity and celebration. That’s unforgettable. For the past few years, I spent my time in the casino and hotel in the New Year holidays.
New Year day is always a day to prepare and plan for the entire year. I used to set a lot of goals and tasks that I would promise myself to do during the year. But, I have never been able to complete most of them or made changes for myself. This often made me regret and disappointed about myself at the end when I looked back. Recent, I didn’t set huge goals to be done anymore. I knew that I would not able to finish it. However, I still hope that I can learn some cooking skills and make a few adjustments for myself in the coming year. I will cross my fingers for that!
I guess you two guys become mature men. But i would like to tell you that when I was younger, in my middle school days, i did do something crazy which was proved nothing at all. So naive I think of it now. Anyway ,just take it as experience .
Maybe I have already become mature or timid now. I used to be wild and like taking venture. But I didn't do anything to harm myself or others. Sometimes, it's easy to make "mistake" which might influence from emotivity in the special day. Lucky, I didn't do something out of my mind.
Y'all can try everything new you like to make your life more meaningful.That's my hope.And just a hope.

