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Could You Show Your English Name Here? (1人在浏览)

i have not have a english name yet.
can you help me to make one?
QUOTE(嘣嘣G @ 2005年10月12日 Wednesday, 11:47 PM)
i have not have a english name yet.
can you help me to make one?

WOW, there are countless English names for you to choose. Open the dictionary, you will find your favourite one.

If you ask me, I suggest using Selene. It's a beautiful name with wonderful origin. It derives from the Greek, in which its the name of the goddess of the moon.
My English name is Swallow.

I want to fly in the sky.
[ Cite proof= mask, Sunday of July 03 in 2005, morning 12:04]
My English name is a gram in the 斯 .Since in the forum of my name is" mask", I want all of you to think that I am" mask". _.
[ Right][ snapback]470058[/ snapback][/ right]
[/ Cite proof]
What stuff
I wanted my English name sounds 阿布
so i make it to be "aboo"
it may be more suitable to be "abu"
YAM ~ is good name~
QUOTE(C y @ 2006年02月06日 Monday, 10:30 PM)
YAM ~ is good name~

no meaning
QUOTE(round&round @ 2006年02月06日 Monday, 07:01 PM)
I wanted my English name sounds 阿布
so i make it to be "aboo"
it may be more suitable to be "abu"

Your name makes me think of Roman Abramovic, who is the boss of Chelsea Football Club of English Premier League.

,~ 椰挞.
QUOTE(5e7en!。 @ 2006年03月11日 Saturday, 12:24 PM)

,~ 椰挞.

my name is Season,means 思逊.
My English name is Willson. Since my name in the forum is "Rover", you can call me "Rover".
my english name is SanDay..!
my chinese name is Yuanting huang

