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I hope more people would like to come here. (2人在浏览)

QUOTE(自助餐 @ 2005年07月02日 Saturday, 08:52 PM)
why can't use well ..I didn't understand...
the compound word ,bach-breacking ,enegy-comuming?I not so clearky see the meaning,just generally. how to compout the words such as back-breaking,enegy-comuming ,etc....‘守株待兔’ is used to be decrare in the Englihs-exam's composition in this year..I can't translate it yet ,can you help me?
mask :r u a student yet? which universty do you studu in?
I'll watch your suggestiongs once more , anyhow ,thank you again~~

"good" is an adjective, which is used to modify nouns, while "well" is an adverb, which used to modify verbs, adverbs, adjectives, etc.

"back-breaking" means very exhausted. "energy-comsuming" means taking you lots of energy. Both of them relates to tiredness. But "back-breaking" modifies the physical tiredness which comes from manual work, while "energy-comsuming" modifies spiritual tireness which comes from brainwork.

There are many sorts of compound words. To analyze all of them here is difficult. You'd better refer to the book of grammar.

“守株待兔” should be translated into "Wait For Windfalls".

I don't like providing my personal information in the forum, which is the reason why I named myself "mask".
. Hope you don't mind.
i think lots of people just come to here to have a look what you said
but they don't want to a back message
just like me
i am lack of confidence in english
( Long sigh...) Hope you visit here more and bring more people here. You are a littler enthusiastic.
QUOTE(自助餐 @ 2005年07月02日 Saturday, 08:26 PM)
I fewly used the word error ,can you tell me what is different between "error and mistake", how to use them!!! and how to use the sign “,”!
sorry ,bee,otherwise ,I can't ask you so personal question !
r u childhood live in Dianbai ,china ?it's that ,I think you must work hard in the studyhood ...I heard that the person'process who go abroard ,orginally study in china,is so hard !!!

bee. American is so differnt between us !can you tell me more?
NBA is the welcome sport in US ..why there is so may black takt part in it ,but so few white ...Football player 's number is the black less than white! once I heard that football is the noble spret in USA!as the result of that ,whit is more than back in playing football!! Is that truth ???

Your spelling has improved a lot! Maybe you did proofreading before you posted your message. Good job!

fewly --> few (don’t use few with “ly” at the end)
abroard --> aboard
orginally --> originally
differnt --> different
takt --> take

Difference between "mistake" and "error":

By comparing mistake and error, mistake is stronger than error. Mistake sounds like something that you have done a blunder or goof. It can be caused from carelessness, inattention, improper training, bad habits, lack of innate ability, poor judgment, adverse measuring or observing conditions, and various negative attitudes, emotions and perceptions that plague humans.

it’s to measure something that is exactness is not possible and unavoidable. There are basically two types of errors in measurements: systematic (because of imperfections of instruments and people) and random (Random errors are unavoidable. Random errors are small misjudgments, not mistakes. They happen when a person tries to “do it right” due to imperfections in the system).

“,” (comma)
When you use a comma, you need to have a blank space after the comma. A comma is used to separate an incomplete sentence.

As for your questions, Yes, I grew up in DianBai. The process to study in a foreign country is not that hard today. Maybe someday you can also go to study in a foreign country.

You were wondering why there are more black people than white people playing in the NBA. This is a very interesting question. Even there are a lot of American people are wondering why. People keep debating, “Is the NBA too black?”. I think there are many factors we can look at. Such as, personal interests, body condition and capability, family and friends influence, and grow up environment etc….
There is no question about black people are good at tracks and fields and in playgrounds like basketball and baseball. To answer your question in short, maybe there is more black people interest in playing basketball and they play a lot as they grow up, and they can play well. So they can be picked into NBA.
As for football, I am not sure whether you know there is a different in between American Football and soccer. If you meant American Football, I can tell you that there are also more black players than white players. We call it NFL. Most of the players are big (fat) and strong. The players in the games are fully contact in either offense or defense. Although most of the players are black, the majority of the coaching staffs and owners are white people. If you meant soccer (is called football in Asia and Europe), there is nothing to talk about. It’s not that popular in the U.S.
QUOTE(mask @ 2005年07月02日 Saturday, 10:18 PM)
"good" is an adjective, which is used to modify nouns, while "well" is an adverb, which used to modify verbs, adverbs, adjectives, etc.

"back-breaking" means very exhausted. "energy-comsuming" means taking you lots of energy. Both of them relates to tiredness. But "back-breaking" modifies the physical tiredness which comes from manual work, while "energy-comsuming" modifies spiritual tireness which comes from brainwork.

There are many sorts of compound words. To analyze all of them here is difficult. You'd better refer to the book of grammar.

“守株待兔” should be translated into "Wait For Windfalls".

I don't like providing my personal information in the forum, which is the reason why I named myself "mask".
. Hope you don't mind.

Thanks mask .I have leaned more . I 'm bad in listening..Do you have some advise?
In my eye,you are a pregent ,enthusiastic man!(sorry ,I don't know you sex ,but I think you are mail.right?)
I want to know how many time do you cost in learning English?
QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2005年07月03日 Sunday, 12:52 PM)
Your spelling has improved a lot! Maybe you did proofreading before you posted your message. Good job!

fewly --> few (don’t use few with “ly” at the end)
abroard --> aboard
orginally --> originally
differnt --> different
takt --> take
Difference between "mistake" and "error":

By comparing mistake and error, mistake is stronger than error. Mistake sounds like something that you have done a blunder or goof. It can be caused from carelessness, inattention, improper training, bad habits, lack of innate ability, poor judgment, adverse measuring or observing conditions, and various negative attitudes, emotions and perceptions that plague humans.

it’s to measure something that is exactness is not possible and unavoidable. There are basically two types of errors in measurements: systematic (because of imperfections of instruments and people) and random (Random errors are unavoidable. Random errors are small misjudgments, not mistakes. They happen when a person tries to “do it right” due to imperfections in the system).

“,” (comma)
When you use a comma, you need to have a blank space after the comma. A comma is used to separate an incomplete sentence.

As for your questions, Yes, I grew up in DianBai. The process to study in a foreign country is not that hard today. Maybe someday you can also go to study in a foreign country.

You were wondering why there are more black people than white people playing in the NBA. This is a very interesting question. Even there are a lot of American people are wondering why. People keep debating, “Is the NBA too black?”. I think there are many factors we can look at. Such as, personal interests, body condition and capability, family and friends influence, and grow up environment etc….
There is no question about black people are good at tracks and fields and in playgrounds like basketball and baseball. To answer your question in short, maybe there is more black people interest in playing basketball and they play a lot as they grow up, and they can play well. So they can be picked into NBA.
As for football, I am not sure whether you know there is a different in between American Football and soccer. If you meant American Football, I can tell you that there are also more black players than white players. We call it NFL. Most of the players are big (fat) and strong. The players in the games are fully contact in either offense or defense. Although most of the players are black, the majority of the coaching staffs and owners are white people. If you meant soccer (is called football in Asia and Europe), there is nothing to talk about. It’s not that popular in the U.S.

Thanks to bee,
Maybe you did proofreading before you posted your message. Good job!

I find that the word "did proofreading"is not right ,I think is "did proodfread! right?
GO aboard ?I like ,but the tuition is too expensive ,except got a goverment expense!of coursr must get part-time ,If I have chance .I will get it ...
what I said last time is socer ,which is popular in the world ,but USA,,,why ?
I heard that the socer playground is built in contryside , In the centre of the city has few,So who want to play it ,must drive his own car to .the great majorit white has own car ,but few black has .so got the result of that,I heard from the TV ,Is that truth?

America is a developed country..In your eye ,compareing with develping countrysuch as China,what 's the defferent!!I think in USA, the racial discrmination stiil survie. do they look down upon chinese?what bout chinese in American'eye, the black yet in hard life?Chinese live in America is comfort and happy?
Bee,do you like watching NBA in live. you got excitment? whiche team and player do you best like..? haha ,I like Jorden and Iverson .I want to see some photoes about American life ,can you put some to the Engish forum?
Excellent!! 蜜蜂,mask and 自助餐, you are great!! May I join this group?
QUOTE(自助餐 @ 2005年07月03日 Sunday, 08:59 PM)
Thanks mask .I have leaned more . I 'm bad in listening..Do you have some advise?
In my eye,you are a pregent ,enthusiastic man!(sorry ,I don't know you sex ,but I think you are mail.right?)
I want to know how many time do you cost in learning English?

As to your questions about how to improve aural skills, I think language skills are acquired through practice and understanding. Adequate accumulation of a reasonable amount of knowledge is one thing, and the ability to command that knowledge another. It takes time and hard work to be a proficient user of a second language. To me, to be an attentive listener works very well to improve my ears.

Never mind.
. Yeah, I am male.

What do you mean in your last question? How much time do I spend in learning English a day?
QUOTE(chinabb @ 2005年07月03日 Sunday, 09:54 PM)
Excellent!! 蜜蜂,mask and 自助餐, you are great!! May I join this group?

Yeah! Of course! Welcome!
QUOTE(自助餐 @ 2005年07月03日 Sunday, 09:50 PM)
America is a developed country..In your eye ,compareing with develping countrysuch as China,what 's the defferent!!I think in USA, the racial discrmination stiil survie. do they look down upon chinese?what bout chinese in American'eye, the black yet in hard life?Chinese live in America is comfort and happy?

My many relatives have been living in the United States for a long time. And now they are still a little bit angry for my rejection to go to study there. In fact, undeniably, racism still exists there, but it's much less serious as in your eyes. Having been in the big city so long, I find racism exists in our society also. As you know, the United States, regarded as the biggest immigrant country and known as the Melting Pot, accommodates the people from every corner of the world. I'm still doing some research on the western culture with several professors in this semester. After being exposed to it so long by several professors, its most memorable spirit is equality and respect; equality is the greatest respect. Back to the earth, moreover, my relatives are living quite comfortable and happy.
QUOTE(自助餐 @ 2005年07月03日 Sunday, 09:50 PM)
Thanks to bee,

I find that the word "did proofreading"is not right ,I think is "did proodfread! right?
GO aboard ?I like ,but the tuition is too expensive ,except got a goverment expense!of coursr must get part-time ,If I have chance .I will get it ...
what I said last time is socer ,which is popular in the world ,but USA,,,why ?
I heard that the socer playground is built in contryside , In the centre of the city has few,So who want to play it ,must drive his own car to .the great majorit white has own car ,but few black has .so got the result of that,I heard from the TV ,Is that truth?

America is a developed country..In your eye ,compareing with develping countrysuch as China,what 's the defferent!!I think in USA, the racial discrmination stiil survie. do they look down upon chinese?what bout chinese in American'eye, the black yet in hard life?Chinese live in America is comfort and happy?
Bee,do you like watching NBA in live. you got excitment? whiche team and player do you best like..? haha ,I like Jorden and Iverson .I want to see some photoes about American life ,can you put some to the Engish forum?

Proofread is a verb. You can use either way: "did proofreading" or "did proofread”
When you use the format “did + something” is a verb and a subject. If I put the “ing” at the end for the verb “proofread”, then “proofreading” became a noun. (for example, He did reading, I did writing. Both of us did something)
When you use the format “did + a action verb”, it’s to emphasize the action. (for example, I did check on my exam a few times. I did see him show up yesterday).

In the US, the three most popular sports are: American Football (NFL), Basketball (NBA), Baseball (MLB).
You are wrong. The soccer playground is not built at the countryside. There are many public places, such as Schools, Parks, Recreation Centers and Playgrounds all over the city. You can play soccer at those places. For ball parks, they are usually locate at the near by city or inside a city. Also, in the US, almost every adult has at least one car. For example, I have two cars. Wherever I go, I will always drive. There is no one like to walk on the street. Even people go to grocery stores or banking next to their house, they still prefer to drive rather than walk. What you heard about black people was wrong. I believe everywhere has rich and poor people. It doesn’t have to be black people, it can be white people, Chinese people or other races or ethnic groups. All I can say is rich people will have luxury cars. Poor people will have economic cars. But the 90% of people are all have cars.

It seems like you have a lot of curiosity about the US. If you can hold on to your question and ask one at a time, I can answer them one at a time. These questions look like very simple and basic. But I can not use a few sentences can explain clear to you. There are a lot of cause and effects relationships and social issues and economic relative. I believe different people will have different point of views and experiences. What I say can not represent others, or other will not agree on, or it’s not true. Also, China is a country which its system is totally different from the US. I believe there are many issues can be very sensitive and not appropriate to discuss at there. Hopefully, people who read my message will not found too offensive or uncomfortable. That’s what I want to define before I can discuss those issues at here. So if you can ask me those questions one at a time, that will be great.
QUOTE(chinabb @ 2005年07月03日 Sunday, 09:54 PM)
Excellent!! 蜜蜂,mask and 自助餐, you are great!! May I join this group?

Absolutely, we are more than happy to welcome you to join us here.
QUOTE(mask @ 2005年07月03日 Sunday, 10:29 PM)
As to your questions about how to improve aural skills, I think language skills are acquired through practice and understanding. Adequate accumulation of a reasonable amount of knowledge is one thing, and the ability to command that knowledge another. It takes time and hard work to be a proficient user of a second language. To me, to be an attentive listener works very well to improve my ears.

Never mind.
. Yeah, I am male.

What do you mean in your last question? How much time do I spend in learning English a day?


The last quesion is how much time do you spend in learning English a day??
mask ,good luck to you ,in you messege that i know you are student yet....
As bee said ,I also hope you can put your lever in more and mor high..
QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2005年07月04日 Monday, 08:22 AM)
Proofread is a verb. You can use either way: "did proofreading" or "did proofread”
When you use the format “did + something” is a verb and a subject. If I put the “ing” at the end for the verb “proofread”, then “proofreading” became a noun. (for example, He did reading, I did writing. Both of us did something)
When you use the format “did + a action verb”, it’s to emphasize the action. (for example, I did check on my exam a few times. I did see him show up yesterday).

In the US, the three most popular sports are: American Football (NFL), Basketball (NBA), Baseball (MLB).
You are wrong. The soccer playground is not built at the countryside. There are many public places, such as Schools, Parks, Recreation Centers and Playgrounds all over the city. You can play soccer at those places. For ball parks, they are usually locate at the near by city or inside a city. Also, in the US, almost every adult has at least one car. For example, I have two cars. Wherever I go, I will always drive. There is no one like to walk on the street. Even people go to grocery stores or banking next to their house, they still prefer to drive rather than walk. What you heard about black people was wrong. I believe everywhere has rich and poor people. It doesn’t have to be black people, it can be white people, Chinese people or other races or ethnic groups. All I can say is rich people will have luxury cars. Poor people will have economic cars. But the 90% of people are all have cars.

It seems like you have a lot of curiosity about the US. If you can hold on to your question and ask one at a time, I can answer them one at a time. These questions look like very simple and basic. But I can not use a few sentences can explain clear to you. There are a lot of cause and effects relationships and social issues and economic relative. I believe different people will have different point of views and experiences. What I say can not represent others, or other will not agree on, or it’s not true. Also, China is a country which its system is totally different from the US. I believe there are many issues can be very sensitive and not appropriate to discuss at there. Hopefully, people who read my message will not found too offensive or uncomfortable. That’s what I want to define before I can discuss those issues at here. So if you can ask me those questions one at a time, that will be great.

Thanks ,bee.
In your introduction,l have known more about America ..Amarica is a developed country ..I orginally guess you are so strong .But to my astonishment ,you are better than what i guess ,the top 10 universty gratuated student was work from you .In my eye ,you are so good ,you are modist ...I also hope you succes with you aim....Good luck..
you didn't answer my some question,Do those question is not politeness in English? Is the truth ,I say sorry to you ,and please forgive me ,I'm poor in English,I'm only make my hard to learn Engish just one year,,
Chinese culture is so different with easten country ,The yong there can go to disco,can do much what they want ..but in China ,who go to disco will consider to be bad guy in adult's eye...we are close yet..
I don't know how many years are you have been to America,,At a time in dianbai here ,I found is nothinghere ,the goverment is badness,,,,,What a shame (longsigh)Even in Guangzhou ,the city's enwirement is bad,the security is bad...I think every one who live in guanzhou so long must catch stealing....To be the enomic centre .GuangZhou is dispoitment ..
QUOTE(chinabb @ 2005年07月03日 Sunday, 09:54 PM)
Excellent!! 蜜蜂,mask and 自助餐, you are great!! May I join this group?

haha ,of corse welcome
First ,I atrrat you to the burden.who is RenChangXia,I heard from a reserche,in one paper,who is the top 10 favior hero in China middle-student..but I dont know him or her .can you tell something about him or her?
I watch you several messege ,thinking you are a policeman.
Why GuandZHou 's security is so bad ,my reletive have said that they were rodded as wallet ,mobile phone.It'sound terrible.GuangZhou is a lareger and important city in China.
QUOTE(mask @ 2005年07月03日 Sunday, 11:54 PM)
My many relatives have been living in the United States for a long time. And now they are still a little bit angry for my rejection to go to study there. In fact, undeniably, racism still exists there, but it's much less serious as in your eyes. Having been in the big city so long, I find racism exists in our society also. As you know, the United States, regarded as the biggest immigrant country and known as the Melting Pot, accommodates the people from every corner of the world. I'm still doing some research on the western culture with several professors in this semester. After being exposed to it so long by several professors, its most memorable spirit is equality and respect; equality is the greatest respect. Back to the earth, moreover, my relatives are living quite comfortable and happy.

I can see you know the US quite well. What you have experienced is still better than what you have heard. I don't see any problem as being Chinese living at here. This is not the old days anymore. Racism is not a major problem in the US nowadays. As the people have higher education, they all know hate is wrong. The schools, communities and the government have worked hard together to reduce this kind of problems. The world keeps turning.....
I still hope you can come out to study at here. I believe for your knowledge and capability, you should upgrade yourself and can put yourself up to a higher lever of life. I don't know what's your personal reason not to do that, but at least you should give yourself a chance. I have a number of students who are from China work for me. Most of them are from the top ten universities in China. I found them they are so smart and clever. I can tell you that they are so outstanding in school. They all found their best fortune after they graduated. Last year, I know almost 10 of them graduated. There's only one person went back to China. The others all could find a great job in the large corporations, such as, IBM, Bea System etc...
There is one person who is more close to me continued his study at MIT University as a PhD student. He was originally from QingHua University. I don't think he can have that kind of fortune if he was in China. He just came back to visit me from the east coast yesterday. He told me that he wanted to be a famous scientist someday. I believe he can do that. Studying at MIT is already a good start. Specially, he is at the hottest major and a PhD student. When he graduates, he can choose which company he wants to go in for his career, which university he prefers to teach. He already told me that he was in a group on the process of invention some machined and mediating technologies. Some of his group members also became the leading engineers at Cisco and Oracle. I was so happy to hear that. Also, I can let you know that study at the US is not that expensive as you thought. Most of the students that I know are taking a part time job. For the students who work for me at my department, I pay them $9-$12 US dollar per hour. For summer time like now, they can work full time (40 hours per week) for three months. This is a big help for their tuitions and living expenses.
Hope you can change your mind later........!
QUOTE(自助餐 @ 2005年07月04日 Monday, 01:50 PM)
Thanks ,bee.
In your introduction,l have known more about America ..Amarica is a developed country ..I orginally guess you are so strong .But to my astonishment ,you are better than what i guess ,the top 10 universty gratuated student was work from you .In my eye ,you are so good ,you are modist ...I also hope you succes with you aim....Good luck..
you didn't answer my some question,Do those question is not politeness in English? Is the truth ,I say sorry to you ,and please forgive me ,I'm poor in English,I'm only make my hard to learn Engish just one year,,
Chinese culture is so different with easten country ,The yong there can go to disco,can do much what they want ..but in China ,who go to disco will consider to be bad guy in adult's eye...we are close yet..
I don't know how many years are you have been to America,,At a time in dianbai here ,I found is nothinghere ,the goverment is badness,,,,,What a shame (longsigh)Even in Guangzhou ,the city's enwirement is bad,the security is bad...I think every one who live in guanzhou so long must catch stealing....To be the enomic centre .GuangZhou is dispoitment ..

Maybe you misunderstood my meaning. The students who worked for me are part time. They are still a master student. I am just their supervisor. I managed them and assigned them jobs. Please don’t think that I am the real “boss”. This is not my own company. I don’t own the business. There are many people about me and manage me.

You also misunderstood what I said about your questions. I didn’t say that I would not answer them. I just suggested you should ask one question at a time. So I can respond to your question more directly. Also each question takes me time to think and respond. One question I can write up to a number of paragraphs. To reply all your questions, I can write up a few pages because these questions are very complicated.
It’s fine to ask me any questions. You didn’t need to feel bad or say sorry to me. If there is anything I feel uncomfortable and not right, I will let you know.

I was confused when you said, “Chinese culture is so different with easten country”. Did you mean WESTERN country? China is an Eastern country! I am not sure about the rest of the Western countries. But in the US, only people who are age of 21 and older can be allowed to drink and go into a disco place. They have security to check your ID before you can go in. This is the law. If you think the young people in the US can go anywhere they want and do whatever they want to do, you are wrong. It depends on what they do and where they go. Freedom is to provide you with the right, but it’s not equal to all free because there is a limit. It just like the law, it’s to protect people, but also to restrict people. People have to obey.

I think I left DianBai is longer than your current age now. I have read a lot of posts from the forum about the Chinese government and DianBai officials. It seems like they all had a negative opinion about whatever related to the city officials. They (officials) must be really bad or people just found a way to blame on. I can’t imagine what they think. I didn’t know too much how it looks like at DianBai now and I hate to discuss the political issues. So I didn’t want to participate on their discussions.
QUOTE(自助餐 @ 2005年07月04日 Monday, 01:26 PM)

The last quesion is how much time do you spend in learning English a day??
mask ,good luck to you ,in you messege that i know you are student yet....
As bee said ,I also hope you can put your lever in more and mor high..

Let me see... It's hard to say, but I think it averages out to about 8 hours a day.

Yes, I am an English major and serve on an assistant to a professor.

Thanks. The same to you. I'll do my best. In fact, I'm suffering from some learned problems, which is the bottleneck in the way to a higher level. But I believe I can get over it.
QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2005年07月04日 Monday, 05:44 PM)
I can see you know the US quite well. What you have experienced is still better than what you have heard. I don't see any problem as being Chinese living at here. This is not the old days anymore. Racism is not a major problem in the US nowadays. As the people have higher education, they all know hate is wrong. The schools, communities and the government have worked hard together to reduce this kind of problems. The world keeps turning.....
I still hope you can come out to study at here. I believe for your knowledge and capability, you should upgrade yourself and can put yourself up to a higher lever of life. I don't know what's your personal reason not to do that, but at least you should give yourself a chance. I have a number of students who are from China work for me. Most of them are from the top ten universities in China. I found them they are so smart and clever. I can tell you that they are so outstanding in school. They all found their best fortune after they graduated. Last year, I know almost 10 of them graduated. There's only one person went back to China. The others all could find a great job in the large corporations, such as, IBM, Bea System etc...
There is one person who is more close to me continued his study at MIT University as a PhD student. He was originally from QingHua University. I don't think he can have that kind of fortune if he was in China. He just came back to visit me from the east coast yesterday. He told me that he wanted to be a famous scientist someday. I believe he can do that. Studying at MIT is already a good start. Specially, he is at the hottest major and a PhD student. When he graduates, he can choose which company he wants to go in for his career, which university he prefers to teach. He already told me that he was in a group on the process of invention some machined and mediating technologies. Some of his group members also became the leading engineers at Cisco and Oracle. I was so happy to hear that. Also, I can let you know that study at the US is not that expensive as you thought. Most of the students that I know are taking a part time job. For the students who work for me at my department, I pay them $9-$12 US dollar per hour. For summer time like now, they can work full time (40 hours per week) for three months. This is a big help for their tuitions and living expenses.
Hope you can change your mind later........!

Thanks for your concern and encouragement.
. In fact, I long for studying abroad. I also know, probably I'll have a brighter prospect there. I think you misunderstood. I rejected to study abroad, because of neither disdainfulness, nor self-humuliation. I just thought I was not ready. In fact, when the sudden chance came to me, I felt I was not ready and wouldn't be ready even after reaching the United States. So, I gave up the chance. I wasn't feeling I was losing a chance. Even today, I think I made a right decision. To me, to study there as a master student is more rational. I think I will be ready then. Maybe someday, I will meet you in the United States.
QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2005年07月04日 Monday, 06:59 PM)
Maybe you misunderstood my meaning. The students who worked for me are part time. They are still a master student. I am just their supervisor. I managed them and assigned them jobs. Please don’t think that I am the real “boss”. This is not my own company. I don’t own the business. There are many people about me and manage me.

You also misunderstood what I said about your questions. I didn’t say that I would not answer them. I just suggested you should ask one question at a time. So I can respond to your question more directly. Also each question takes me time to think and respond. One question I can write up to a number of paragraphs. To reply all your questions, I can write up a few pages because these questions are very complicated.
It’s fine to ask me any questions. You didn’t need to feel bad or say sorry to me. If there is anything I feel uncomfortable and not right, I will let you know.

I was confused when you said, “Chinese culture is so different with easten country”. Did you mean WESTERN country? China is an Eastern country! I am not sure about the rest of the Western countries. But in the US, only people who are age of 21 and older can be allowed to drink and go into a disco place. They have security to check your ID before you can go in. This is the law. If you think the young people in the US can go anywhere they want and do whatever they want to do, you are wrong. It depends on what they do and where they go. Freedom is to provide you with the right, but it’s not equal to all free because there is a limit. It just like the law, it’s to protect people, but also to restrict people. People have to obey.

I think I left DianBai is longer than your current age now. I have read a lot of posts from the forum about the Chinese government and DianBai officials. It seems like they all had a negative opinion about whatever related to the city officials. They (officials) must be really bad or people just found a way to blame on. I can’t imagine what they think. I didn’t know too much how it looks like at DianBai now and I hate to discuss the political issues. So I didn’t want to participate on their discussions.


Bee,you are right ,my quesions are many at a time comfusily .I have curiosity
about something what I want to know . Not only America ,but also othee coutriy . of course the few race in China.Suprising me ,I heard that you are in America .So I want to get some impormation about you .Maybe I am short-tempered.So I ask you so many question at a time.But I'll correct it.
And I find my careless illnes also ,If not any ,I woud't copuse with you ,right?

From what you said about your carrer.you are modest man...Good luck to you.I support you.

I have something to ask you ,QUOTE

What is the meaning and how to use.
"In your eye" is nearly useed in you and mask ,I think that is a Chinglise.If I want to express that ,what is better in English..
Can you talk your NBA???

Hope that can't compuse you......
QUOTE(mask @ 2005年07月04日 Monday, 07:24 PM)
Let me see... It's hard to say, but I think it averages out to about 8 hours a day.

Yes, I am an English major and serve on an assistant to a professor.

Thanks. The same to you. I'll do my best. In fact, I'm suffering from some learned problems, which is the bottleneck in the way to a higher level. But I believe I can get over it.

It's quitte good ,I support you .mask, you said you are a assistant to a professor,can you tell me more .I am curios!!!
can you tell some campus life in Universty?And what is the most like city in China to you . Do you live your city what you study nowadays.
QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2005年07月04日 Monday, 06:59 PM)
I am not sure about the rest of the Western countries. But in the US, only people who are age of 21 and older can be allowed to drink and go into a disco place.

I think I left DianBai is longer than your current age now. I have read a lot of posts from the forum about the Chinese government and DianBai officials. It seems like they all had a negative opinion about whatever related to the city officials. They (officials) must be really bad or people just found a way to blame on. I can’t imagine what they think. I didn’t know too much how it looks like at DianBai now and I hate to discuss the political issues. So I didn’t want to participate on their discussions.

21 is also the legal drinking age in most of the European countries, especially in the countries in EU.

I don't want to be involved in their discussions, too. I grew up in Dianbai. I know the condition there is very bad. But the reasons are from many aspects. What's more, the political issues are too complicated and I don't think I have the right to make comment on the them as I don't know the truth very clearly.

However, I hope our hometown will become better and better.
QUOTE(自助餐 @ 2005年07月04日 Monday, 09:13 PM)
"In your eye" is nearly useed in you and mask ,I think that is a Chinglise.If I want to express that ,what is better in English..

It's quitte good ,I support you .mask, you said you are a assistant to a professor,can you tell me more .I am curios!!!
can you tell some campus life in Universty?And what is the most like city in China to you . Do you live your city what you study nowadays.

I think I'll use "to my thinking", "to my thoughts", "I think...", "I believe", etc., when I want to express such a meaning.

As a professor's assistant, I must help her do some research. I don't need to give her learned suggestions, but if I'm confused about the research, I can ask. My main job is to find the materials for her, which relevant to the research. Besides, I help her arrange for the plan of teaching and give her suggestions on it. This is all voluntary with no payment, but you can learn much more than an average student. Furthermore, she's very kind and she thinks there is privity between us.

In the university, I think the three important topic is study, life and time.
The study mentioned here is self-cultivation. As in the university, you should expect yourself to be an avid reader and learner, arm yourslef with the best of mankind's spiritual resources, seize all opportunities to cultivate the spirit of teamwork, the ability to handle emergencies and to work under pressure.
You have to learn to live. To enjoy your life is very important. As you know, life is colorful. But in the university, life may be decadent and dull. So, you have to learn how to enjoy your life. To me, study is quite enjoyable a process. Like most of the youngsters, I like playing balls, surfing the net and shopping, but I set asides sufficient time for study.
Time is easily to be wasted in the university, especially before you realize. You can say, if time were money, I would be richer then Bill Gates; you also can say, if time were the air, I were lack of it. It depends on how to arrange your time and your attitude to study.

I don't like most of the cities in China. Because the air is too dirty. Maybe Kunming is better, but the weather there is wet. Of course, I have to live in the city in which my university is located.

